Heartwarming lunch at centre


"Heartwarming Lunch at Pragyata Foundation's Education Centre"

We are delighted to share that a special lunch was organized at Pragyata Foundation's education centre and old age home in Rangpuri, New Delhi. It was a heartwarming occasion that brought joy and happiness to all involved.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Govind and Mrs. Sarita Yadav for their generous contribution towards this event. Their kindness and support have truly made a difference in the lives of the little ones. The smiles on the children's faces were a testament to the joy they experienced during the lunch.

At Pragyata Foundation, we believe in creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for children and the elderly. Our education centre and old age home serve as spaces of learning, companionship, and support. Events like these not only provide nourishment for the body but also foster a sense of belonging and happiness among the residents.

We express our heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Govind and Mrs. Sarita Yadav for spreading smiles and making this lunch a memorable occasion. Their contribution has made a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.


Pragyata Foundation is a registered Non-Profit Organisation which has been conducting activities for the security of human rights...

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1st Floor, Vats Commercial Complex
Opposite Plot No 85
Udyog Vihar Phase I
Gurugram, Haryana - 122016
Email : info@pragyatafoundation.org
Phone No.: 0124 2341269